Table of Contents

    Meet The Easy Guide

    The Easy Guide software solution and supportive tablets are included within all our campers. It is a fantastic travel assistant that you will love from the moment you try it. Your personalized Easy Guide tablet will greet you in your camper. The Easy Guide will serve as your turn-by-turn navigator, internet hot-spot. The Easy Guide will also alert you about hazardous weather conditions, and an in-built tracking device will retrieve your location to rescue personal in case of an emergency.

    The Easy Guide is free and comes with every CampEasy camper. It sits comfortably in the resting place we have made for it in the window. You get all the features for free, except the WiFi, which comes with a 900 ISK fee for each day of usage. It can cover multiple devices at once, so it’s well worth the investment for many, especially if you have a laptop, tablet, wifi-enabled camera, or any other device without a sim card.

    Alerts & Warnings

    CampEasy has offered tablets for free for all of the campers for a while now, with great success. One of its main immediate attractions – tools for safety. The tablet functions as a tracking device, allowing us and you to pinpoint your location in case of an emergency. While driving, it will alert you if there are hazardous weather conditions, eruptions, floods, and other issues in the area through the ICE SAR network.


    Feels like you forgot to ask us something? Our tablets include a live chat function, where you can contact our assistants from 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Keep in mind that this chat feature is not for emergencies and that in some cases, it might take 30 to 180 minutes for our agents to answer back.


    Besides the features listed before, the Easy Guide tablets have way more functions than that. As we mentioned earlier – you are going to love your new assistant! Be sure to check the information section on your tablet if you will come across some issues. Discover weather forecasts for the whole of Iceland, road conditions, news, and other essential information while being on Icelandic roads:


    With the Easy Guide, you will have access to Icelandic Meteorological Office data and forecasts. You will always find the most relevant warnings and important notes when traveling within Iceland on the main page. You will also find forecasts on weather, earthquakes, etc.

    Road Conditions

    The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) is responsible for about 13.000 km. of main roads and countryside roads in Iceland. It is recommended to always check this website and its conditions every day before heading on the trip. Keep in mind that especially in the winter season, roads can be closed or dangerous to drive.

    Instruction Video

    Be sure to watch this video as soon as you will get your camper or just anytime within the trip! In CampEasy instructional video you will find useful information, such as: how to log in to the system, your location, interests around your area. Also, you will find information about trip templates – the ones that we prepared and modified by you. Nonetheless, the instruction video shows you how to use the tablet, visually presenting its benefits.

    Dealing with Accidents

    Driving a camper van is one of the unique experiences that you can choose while being in Iceland. But in case of any accidents, you will find all necessary information about car accidents in this information section. We will guide you through the list of actions like what to do if another car got hit, if someone hit your camper, hit and run, etc.


    This section will show more extra information that could be helpful and good to have. You will find emergency numbers, instructions on how to use the heater in the campers, Wi-Fi troubleshoot, and other important gathered information. Check it and be prepared to be solving all the upcoming problems or issues.


    Four videos will make your trip more comfortable and comfortable with the camper: what you will find in the van, how to use its facilities, book extras, tips&tricks, rules, etc. You will also find some helpful information, for example, how to change a tire.

    4 Excellent CampEasy Exclusives

    Reasons to choose CampEasy
    • An icon of a tablet displaying a route with a start and endpoint, representing navigation or trip planning.
      Next Level GPS
      In every camper, there is a tablet with loads of features developed to make your camper trip easier. Turn-by-turn navigation, weather, road conditions, POI nearby, chat to CampEasy and more.
    • An icon of an exclamation mark inside a jagged purple starburst, symbolizing an alert or important notice.
      No False Damage Charges
      We take 8 high-resolution photos with a hardcoded time stamp, of each camper, from every angle before you pick it up. This way, we will never charge you for damages you did not cause. We also do a full inspection when you return, eliminating any late or unexplained bills.
    • An icon of a tablet with a purple stylus, representing digital signing or drawing.
      Built-in Messaging
      This is a big one. We offer a chat service through the tablet directly with us. Extremely helpful for small inquiries, instructions and putting minds at ease.
    • An icon of a calendar with a purple gear symbol, representing scheduling or settings customization.
      Manage Booking
      After you book, you can log in to your booking in the top right corner, and edit your dates, extras, activities, itinerary, transportation from airport, vehicle type and more. You can also check out the weather forecast, and road conditions.
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